PREMIERE: Acid Cats – Secret Virus Spreader [Superfreq]

Busy Portsmouth born duo Acid Cats debut with Superfreq with this long awaited powerful 3 track Acid banger of an EP.

We kick off with the cheekily named title track “Descending Into Chaos”, which starts with flanged hats & soon kicks in fully with pounding beats, intense 303’s, powerful stabs & a rolling bassline. It’s a proper monster.

Next up comes “Secret Virus Spreader”, another unrelenting Deep Tech Acid banger with solid beats, infectious bassline, wonky 303s, eerie chord stabs & trippy synths to boot.

The EP rounds off with “Is This Detroit”. Straight in with deep trippy 303s & eerie pads, this haunting acid number is an ode to Techno’s birthplace the D.

This absolute monster of an EP clearly demonstrates why Superfreq remains one of the top modern Acid House / Deep Tech labels in the world.

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