Premiere: Charlie Tennger – Sigma Greens Connection [Lucid Unity]

Lucid Unity’s debut release see’s label owner “Charlie Tennger” switch thing’s up after a brief hiatus from releasing music. “Sigma Greens” sets the tone for the EP, driven by lush chord stabs, euphoric vocal samples and deep rolling bassline. Next up “Intimate Connection” takes you on a deeper journey taking influence from 90’s acid house music. “Hypnotism” brings us right back to the dancefloor in a low lit nightclub down a backstreet, again the
theme see’s us revisiting those elements of 90’s rave music, driven by a thudding bassline and kick pattern. The final track of the EP “That Real Love” is more of a classic deep house groove. Grab yourself a Vodka lemonade and enjoy the ride.

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